Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Birthday!

Yesss, today is my 20th birthday and I am so happy! (And yes, I am writing a blog on my birthday)

On Friday my friend Randy (and avid blog follower) made me this birthday cake! Isn't it awesome looking? Let me tell you, it was delicious too! Strawberries galore!

So today, my mom gave me my birthday present (a Burberry jacket) and this little pamphlet type thing. It's called "1989 Remember When..." and has all these fun facts from the year I was born. Some of them made me go "Wow.." and others, "Eh, figures". Here's some of the facts from inside:

1989 TV Favorites: The Wonder Years, Empty Nest, and America's Funniest Home Videos.
[Never heard of the Empty Next but I loved the Wonder Years!]

1989 Sports News: After the Pirates took a 10-0 lead in the first inning against the Phillies, broadcaster Jim Rooker said he would walk from Pittsburgh to Philly if the Phillies won the game. They did win, and Rooker took his promised walk when the season was over.

1989 Interesting Facts: Irving Berlin, Lucille Ball, Salvador Dali, and Bette Davis all passed away in 1989.
Life expectancy - 75.3
Miss America - Gretchen Carlson (Anoka, MN)

OHH, this is my favorite! 1989 Cost of Living:
New Home: $120,000.000
Average Income: $27,225.00
New Car: $15,403.00
Average Rent: $425.00
Tuition to Harvard: $12,715.00 per year
Movie Ticket: $3.50
Gasoline: 97 cents per gallon [For the record, there is no cents sign on my computer. Hm, I wonder why..]
United States Postage Stamp: 25 cents each

Granulated Sugar: $1.12 for 5 pounds
Vitamin D Milk: $2.62 per gallon
Ground Coffee: $3.69 per pound
Bacon: $1.89 per pound
Eggs: 78 cents per dozen
Fresh Ground Hamburger: $1.29 per pound
Fresh Baked Bread: 69 cents per loaf

1989 Music & Movie Favorites:
Music -
Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx
Like a Prayer - Madonna
Another Day in Paradise - Phil Collins
Movies -
Driving Miss Daisy
When Harry Met Sally
Dead Poets Society
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

And that's all the cool stuff! This reminds me of growing up in the 90's. I will soon be writing a blog about my favorite things from the 90's. Oh that will definitely be a long blog! AH, I can't wait! =) But for now, time to go celebrate!


Recently my dear blogger friend Stephany tagged me in a "meme". Basically, you write seven things about yourself and then tag a couple other people to follow.

List seven things about yourself...

1. I hate feet. I can't stand feet; looking at them, touching them, having them near me. Anything involving feet I don't like. I always make sure my toes are done and my feet look nice because I feel dirty if I don't. I especially hate men's feet. I can't tolerate when men don't care for their feet and then I have to look at them. Ickkk, it makes me cringe!

2. When I first discovered sodoku it took me forever to complete one. I would write in pencil and end up erasing half of what I wrote. I would write in the corners and make notes and it would still turn out a mess. I just couldn't wait for the day I could use pens and not make mistakes. Now I can write in pen, no notes or anything, and I hardly make mistakes. I even like to time myself now!

3. I try to keep my itunes library as neat as possible. I have all my music categorized, they all have proper artists, titles, ratings (everything gets 5 stars cause it looks neat) and generes.

4. I can not stand when people automatically assume that I am Muslim. People assume that because I am from Lebanon that I HAVE to be Muslim. I think people are so ignorant when it comes to things like that, that it just gets too annoying to talk to any of them. Just a quick memo, not everyone from the Middle East is Muslim. So yes, I will have ham on my pizza.

5. Even though I am from Virginia, I am NOT a southerner. When I am asked where I'm from, I always say "Northern Virginia".

6. I'm obsessed with the Washington Redskins. My friend at work says she's never met a girl that's as interested in football as I am. (She needs to get out more) I don't care how bad they can be, I will always stand by them!

7. I want to be a journalist. My dream job would be either write for Seventeen/Cosmo or take part in the fourth hour of the Today show. I think Kathie Lee and Hoda have THE COOLEST jobs ever!

I'm not going to tag anyone. Stephany has already done one, and the only real people who follow my blog don't really have one.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3.

Yesterday was my cousins 26th birthday, and she wanted a cake. So me and my other cousin (her sister) embarked on a mission to make one. We had all these ideas in our heads of how this cake was going to turn out, and we wished for the best. We started Friday night by making the two pieces of the cake, but one piece died. =( On Saturday we made another piece to replace the one that fell apart. As it all cooled, we went to Michael's to buy all the decorating things we needed, and of course they were all gone! The one day we needed cake decorating things, they were having a cake decorating class! We were on a huge time crunch so we went to a store called Hobby Lobby (which let me add, IS AMAZING!) and finished up our shopping. We then went back home and got to work. It turned out that decorating took longer than actually making the cake. We had to put the frosting in the layers of the cake, and outside the cake so the fondant would stay. Our goal was to make a green and purple cake. So for my huge piece of fondant I mixed blue and red to get purple. (DUH) But since I am so brilliant I missed over the fact that we had purple gel the whole time. It was a long process but in the end we were able to pull it off. And here it is!

Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP - The King of Pop

I'll make this short and sweet. The world has lost an icon. As we all know, The King of Pop, Michael Jackson passed away yesterday. He was only 50 years young. I would just like to say that I think it is pathetic that after his passing there are people who all they can say is "good, he's a pedophile" or making jokes about his child molestation past. Yes, he did have a rocky past but you know what, this isn't the time to bring it up. When someone passes you should show respect to the good they have done in their life. If it wasn't for Michael Jackson music would be extremely different. He's done wonders for the music in this world and for dancing. So all I'd like to say is Rest In Peace, you're now in a better place. God bless your soul and your friends and family.

Michael Joseph Jackson
"The King of Pop"
August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Christmas in the City

Ever since I was a little girl all I've wanted to do is go to New York City during Christmas time. I have always been one of those people that loves the snow, holidays, family time, fireplaces, decorations, holiday shopping, and everything else about December. I've always lived in Virginia and it's usually always been the perfect mix of weather. However, these past couple winters there hasn't been quite enough snow for me to enjoy. But as I was growing up I would watch as many holiday movies as I could, as of today I even have two Christmas movies still saved on my DVR. Anyway, back to my point, for some reason most of them would be set in the New York City. I was always so jealous of the beautiful decorations, the shopping, and especially, the snow! This past March was the first time I'd ever been to NYC and I fell in love. Since then I've told myself that I WILL spend one Christmas in the city. For the past couple weeks I've been trying to talk my mother into letting us spend this Christmas there, but so far she hasn't been so fond of the idea. She knows it's always been something I've wanted to do, but she doesn't think it's the right time for it. All I know is that if it's not this Christmas that I spend in the city, that I'll make sure of it that I'm there next year. Well, it's still only June so I still have some time to talk my mom into us going this year, so wish me luck! In the mean time, maybe I'll just walk around singing Christmas Carols.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Speidi and Their Claim to Fame

"I'm too rich and I'm too famous to be sitting with these people, and cleaning up their shit in the jungle, my man. And this cast is devaluing our fame right now. I'm sitting next to VH1 comedians that I've never even seen before. Stars of shows get treated like stars dude." - Spencer Pratt

If all you have to do to become famous these days is to go on a reality show, then sign me up. But if I end up like Spencer and Heidi, then I take it back! After being two of the characters on "The Hills", Spencer and Heidi joined an NBC show to help win money for charity. Recently on the NBC reality show "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!" (only four days after the show began) Spencer and Heidi wanted out of the show so they called the big boss of NBC, Ben Silverman and had a chat. Spencer took the liberty upon himself to talk, and he gave such a, not so, brilliant statement. I mean, come on, not to burst your bubble Spencer, but I'm pretty sure that, even though a lot of the other celebrities on the show aren't so famous, you are in no way more famous than a Baldwin brother and ex-supermodel Janice Dickinson. Oh, I'm sorry, I take that back. I forgot about all those 16 year old girls that are obsessed with "The Hills". Well anyway, so it's kind of ridiculous how Spencer and Heidi were ever even given the opportunity to become famous. Spencer and Heidi are just obsessed with the publicity and they'll do anything to get it. After leaving the show, then coming back, there are now claims that Heidi was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with a gastric ulcer. Spencer and Heidi claim that her ulcer is from stress and all the "torture" from being on the show. Really, I mean, REALLY? No one forced them to do the show, and we all know it's just a plot for them to "sue" NBC and try to get some more money. I thought they were too rich to be on the show?

Even though reality tv has become the core of ratings for networks these days, what has it come to? Apparently finding some 20-somethings with nothing but drama is the way to make some money. It's also funny that they even called "The Hills" a "reality" tv show. I find nothing more stupid than watching Spencer and Heidi on tv, and that's why I don't do it. Those two people should not be allowed to be making thousands of dollars to be on tv. Their claim to fame will soon end, because as a lot of us know, they have no real talents. Heidi can continue attempting to be a singer, and starting up a flip-flop and bikini line, but once that quickly fades away, so will the once popular couple known as "Speidi". Just a memo to those two: enjoy it while it lasts, you will soon amount to nothing and will have to find another way to support yourselves, because quite honestly, MTV isn't going to help you stay famous forever. That's all, have a nice life Speidi!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"My Friends Are Victims Of H8"

Let me start off by saying sometimes I get stuck in a rut about what I should write about. Well today I'm home sick so I figured there's no better time to write a blog. If you've been watching the news lately you would know that today was decision day for Proposition 8. So after waiting, and waiting the California Supreme Court decided to uphold Prop 8. This means same-sex couples are no longer allowed to get married in the state of California. However, they did agree that they will honor the marriages of the 18,000 couples that did get married before Prop 8 was passed.

Honestly, I was hoping for the destruction of Prop 8. I will say that it is good that they are still honoring the marriages that were done before Prop 8 was passed. I am very much for same-sex marriage. I believe in LOVE. If you're in love it shouldn't matter if it's with a man or woman. Why is it necessary for people to hate against others? Everyone keeps bringing up the bible and how it says marriage is only between a man and a woman, well there are a lot of things the bible says that people no longer follow. Adultery is a sin but millions of people do it anyway. I am, by no means, insulting or showing hate towards the bible at all. I only say this because I believe God put everyone on this earth for a reason, and that he made people they way they are for - a - reason. God wants us to overcome obstacles that we never thought we could surpass, and this is just one of those obstacles. You would also think since it's 2009 we, as a country, would be over something like this. We now have a black president, we also have actors and transgenders as governors and mayors. Also, we've finally accepted interracial marriage and it's time we accept same-sex marriage. I do think it will still take a long time for same-sex couples to get the respect they deserve, especially since we are still overcoming racism. I pray for my gay/lesbian friends that one day everyone can accept same-sex couples as they would anyone else. And for the record, you don't have to be homosexual to show respect to people and to believe in love.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What About California?

It's been too long and it's time for a new blog! Especially since my faithful reader friend at work has nothing to look at. Well maybe I'll begin by explaining what's taken me so long to write.. SCHOOL & WORK! Tomorrow is my last final and I am super excited. I'm very ready for summer, well maybe not since I'll have to work so much. Okay well, let me actually blog about something. How about I blog about something that's been in the entertainment news for the past couple weeks, Miss California.

Miss California first made headlines immediately after the 2009 Miss USA Pageant. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, made it to the top 5, which is the question round. Prejean was asked a question by Gossip Blogger Perez Hilton about gay marriage. Here is the question and answer:

Hilton's Question:
Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?
Prejean responded:
Well I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anybody out there. But that’s how I was raised and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman.

Okay, well let me give my opinion. (My opinion on her answer, not the subject) She should have taken a breather before opening her mouth. I am not at all going against her for standing for what she believes in, however the way she stated her answer is what made it sound so bad. Also, maybe she should have just ended her answer after "opposite answer". Overall, I think her response was slightly ignorant and her terminology was ridiculous. "Opposite Marriage?!" But good job to her for standing for what she believes in. It's also been said that her answer cost her the crown, but let me remind everyone that Miss North Carolina did have a higher swimsuit and evening gown score. So basically, Miss North Carolina was in the lead going into the final question anyway.. Anyway, after she answered her question, Miss California was in the news for days about her answer and how Perez Hilton lashed against her, calling a her a "Bitch" on his website, also saying that her answer "cost her the crown". Well maybe it did cost her the crown, but don't forget.. we DO live in a country where you get to believe in and say what you want.

Just days after that controversy blew over, we hear more news about little Miss Carrie California. The Miss California organization paid for her to receive a breast augmentation. Who thinks that was a good choice? Not I! I'm not against plastic surgery, however, in an organization that has strong beliefs about helping those in need, helping charities, and what not, they should have taken that money and donated it rather than spending it on a surgery that wasn't even necessary. Clearly, if she can win the Miss California pageant, with all the beautiful pretty people in that huge state, then her body doesn't need it. I think it was a ridiculous decision on the organizations part. But whatever, that's their deal.

SO THEN, we find out that Carrie is now a spokesperson for the National Organization for Marriage's campaign against gay marriage. But that can't be all can it?! Nope! We all know that something’s going to happen next, nude photos! Well to be correct, partially nude. Prejean thinks that the photos were leaked because of her stance against Gay Marriage and she stated "I am a Christian, and I am a model. Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos. Recently, photos taken of me as a teenager have been released surreptitiously to a tabloid Web site that openly mocks me for my Christian faith. I am not perfect, and I will never claim to be." Sorry Carrie, but have you ever thought about the fact that well, since you're in all this drama that someone figured they could make a little extra cash by leaking this pictures now? And Carrie's wondering why it's such a big deal anyway.. Well maybe it has nothing to do with the fact that you're against gays, maybe it has something to do with the fact that you went against your contract and you're changing your story about the photos. And for the record, she is claiming she was 17 when the pictures were taken, sooo that means she could get in trouble for underage pornography right?

Honestly, with all this Carrie Prejean stuff, I actually feel bad for Kristen Dalton. Kristen Dalton who? Oh you know, the girl that actually won the Miss USA pageant. She has barely gotten the recognition she deserves. In all honesty though, I think America as a country lives off of gossip and the fact is that we all just need something to talk about. It was amusing the first couple weeks but now it’s just annoying. Please, just take her crown (because she honestly doesn’t deserve it) and leave her alone, forever. And since Miss Malibu has been told she will be spoken to in the next couple days, maybe Carrie Prejean’s runner-up will be given the chance to finish the year as Miss California. But for now, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Check Me Into Rehab

I have an addiction and it's kind of getting out of control. I have not missed an episode of The Real World/ Road Rules Challenge since I was 13 years old. I am now 19 years old and the challenges are on its 17th season. I'm not sure what it is that lures me in but I can't stop! Maybe it's the drama, maybe it's the hardcore challenges, who knows? But I can't help the urge of wanting to be on this show so bad! I recently signed up for a personal trainer and I was talking to him the other day. I told him that I wanted to be on one of the challenges, and if I make it and win some money, I'd share some with him. It's kind of ridiculous but I can't help it! I absolutely am OBSESSED. The only thing is, to be on the show is you have to be on The Real World, Road Rules, or Fresh Meat. Well they haven't had a Road Rules season since 2007 and they only had one season of Fresh Meat. Well I'm hoping for another Fresh Meat because I don't really want to go on The Real World.

But is it strange that we all have these little obsessions? I guess not. And now that I think about it, I guess it's not weird that I'm so obsessed with The Challenges. Not only that, but reality shows in general. But HEY! I guess that's what the point of them is.

Friday, April 3, 2009

This Week on TV.

Greek - First off, are we still in season 2 or is this 3 now? I hate these long breaks. Anyway, I am so excited to see Jesse McCartney but why do I feel like it might be similar to the first season. First season they all wanted Rebecca and now they're all going to want Andy. (McCartney's character) As for the relationships of the show, I love Casey and Max, but I wonder how much longer that's going to last.. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets back with Cappie though. I am also excited for the future episode where Robert Hoffman makes a guest appearance!
Gossip Girl - Oh Gossip Girl, well I really can't stand Jenny anymore. But I love Blair & Nate. However, when Nate was breaking up with Vanessa I hate how he called her "V". It kind of creeped me out.. And Serena, are you going to introduce us to Gabriel? Tell us how you met, please. But I hate waiting for it to come back on. HURRY UP.. and the previews for next time are quite steamy. Can't wait to see how well it turns out. PS - I have to say how much I love the Verizon Hub. I totally want it. It's pretty cool how Gossip Girl gets to advertise all the new Verizon phones.
One Tree Hill - I can't stand Lucas and Peyton anymore, they are so boring. And the previews for the upcoming episodes just don't make sense. They have Peyton in a bloody wedding dress and getting into a car accident, so clearly something isn't going to happen. But back to the episode that was just on, BROOKE! Oh Brooke, I wish she would have gone with Julian. But we all know he's going to come back. I love Nathan and Haley, so clearly no complaints on them. I do have a complaint though, where is Chase? Him and Mia are just so cute! That's all I have to say about this episode, I am also not in that much of a rush for the show to come back. I'll enjoy my next two weeks without it.

The Biggest Loser - It wasn't exactly what I expected when they said some people were returning. I am not surprised by David (Orange) but I loved loved seeing Estella (White) and Nicole (Red) I'm really quite upset about Nicole coming back and then being sent home. It was a big adjustment for her but I think she'll do fine at home. I wouldn't be surprised if she wints the 100K. I wish her all the best of luck!
Dancing With the Stars - I am SO happy about this weeks elimination. The two people that needed to go home went home, it was amazing. I am a big fan of Gilles, Shawn, and Melissa, however for underdogs I love Steve-O. I have a feeling he might be going home soon, but I hope not. I also really enjoyed the Lindy Hop!
90210 - It's backk! Liam, oh I [heart] you. We needed a true bad boy here. So I'm okay with him and Naomi. Annie kind of bothers me, but I hope her and Ethan stay together. Also, Silver, girl.. you need some help. She's going crazy and I hate it! I love her but it's bothering me that they have her go crazy. I hope she stops being crazy and things go back to normal with her and dixon. As for the rewind, I'm excited to see Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling come back!

America's Next Top Model - Well I don't know about you, but ANTM didn't air on Wednesday night in my area. There was a NBA game on. But I did look up who got kicked off and WOOOHOOO. I strongly dislike Sandra. I'm glad she went home, and I'm glad Fo got called first for best picture. I can't wait to watch the episode to see how it all went down.
High School Reunion - Strange... just strange. Jessica made herself look like a big liar by apologizing and everything. It's still annoying that the real truth wasn't shown. But oh well, next week is the season finale. And the week after that, The Cougar! Can't wait for it to come on!
The Real World - So, season finale.. what a fake lame-o fight. The girls are a bunch of biatches! I liked Baya and Devyn on occasion but I can't stand Sarah and Kaitlynn, why did they have to act like little kids and blame the pranks on JD? That's messed up. But overall, this is a pretty bad season finale. And for the reunion, I was so glad to see Ryan there. I wasn't so shocked about Ryan and Baya being together, and well, they're pretty cute. OMG Kaitlynn, you really need to pay back Scott.. Jeez! It was an okay season finale, but hopefully next season will be better, ya know.. Real World: CANCUN! That's going to be steamy, hopefully! And next week, The Duel 2! I am so exited, woohoo.
American Idol - Megan really deserved that, I have no idea why she was acting like that. And from that bottom three, Megan really deserved to leave. But what I have to say is, if you are going to be in the bottom three stricly on your peformance of that week then Matt should have not only been in the bottom three, but he should've been sent home. I love "You Found Me" and he destroyed it, it was terrible. Oh well, he's safe for another week. But I can't wait till next week, the theme is Songs From the Year You Were Born. I can't wait, this is going to be goood!

Nothing was on tonight. =( I hate waiting for episodes of Grey's to come back, and Private Practice was getting so good!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello Today, Goodbye Tomorrow

So if you've read my profile you would've seen that I work in a retirement home. It's a retirement home for the military. It's very high class and very expensive. It's a gated community with apartments and houses. I work in the dining room, which is very fancy shmancy. I'd love to live there when I retire, even if I'm not in the military. I absolutely love it there, except when people pass away. In the past week we have had three deaths.

The first lady who passed away was ill for a while, she rarely left her apartment so I didn't know her well. But I do know her husband well and he's a VERY nice guy. The next person who passed is this man Mr.D. I saw him Wednesday night in the lounge sitting where he always does. Happy, smiley, chit chatting with his buddies. Saturday morning when I was at work me and a co-worker were preparing some things for a funeral reception. I asked "Who died?" and my co-worker said "Davidson" I said "Oh man, Mr.D must be taking it hard" and my co said "No hunny, MR.Davidson died." I was in shock, I asked "When did he die?" and I was told Wednesday night. I saw him Wednesday hours before he passed and I just could not believe it. He died from a heart attack. =(

Today I come into work and I hear that Mrs.V has passed away, once again I am in shock. I saw her just a couple of days ago! And let me tell you, she was in almost perfect health, very healthy, very active, very well liked. She was very active in the community, and four times a year she would be in charge of the plays/musicals. She had just started getting the Spring Musical in order. She had a good friend [boyfriend ?], who is a very very sweet man. He was very dependent on her. Anyhoo, Monday night she was playing Ping Pong in the auditorium, she fell and hit her head. She went to the hospital and she was bleeding from the brain (Same as Natasha Richardson) and they were not able to preform surgery. She passed this morning. Hearing about this was a blow to my heart. Just last week I was talking to a co-worker saying how much she reminded me of my dad's girlfriend. She's a good person, however very bossy. Still very well liked and everything. So as I was saying how much she reminded me of my dad's girlfriend (and her boyfriend reminds me of my dad) I ended up saying something along the lines of "She can be soo annoying sometimes, just like my dad's girlfriend!" Now I feel like crap, and I feel like I'm going to Hell. I hate the fact that I said something about her and now she's gone.

It's tough losing someone close to you. It's also tough seeing someone one day and the next day, they're gone. Even though I was not very close with these people it's still very emotional. I've known them for three years and every time someone passes it just gets even harder. Lately, everyone who's been passing are the people who seem to be in the best shape. So here I'd like to say God Bless. RIP Mrs. Dannacher, RIP Mr. Davidson, RIP Ms. VanHarlingan. God please bless them, their families and friends.

I'll try and post a happier blog later. But for now,
Try to make the best of everything and treat every day as if it were your last. ♥ ♥

Monday, March 30, 2009

Infomercials - It's a love, hate relationship.

Once when I was about 6 years old I saw an infomercial on TV. It was right after I learned how to use the telephone. The infomercial I saw, if I remember correctly, is about markers that you blow in and it sprays onto the paper. I was so intrigued by it and I wanted to buy it SO bad. Of course, I was 6 and had no money. I called the phone number anyway and began talking to the sales person. My mother found me on the phone and yelled at the sales person for trying to sell a product to a child.

I do think that all this led to me now loving infomercials. I love watching them, however I refuse to order them. Sometimes, they get really annoying too. It's a love/hate type of relationship. I will say though, that the Shamwow guy is definitely trying to be Billy Mays. Billy Mays slightly annoys me, but I still can't help but be drawn in by infomercials.

My current two favorite infomercials are the BumpIts and the Cricut. The BumpIts are a hair insert that help bump up your hair. They have the original one that helps give you a small/medium bump and then they have the Hollywood one that gives you a pretty big bump. I was watching the Tyra Show and she (with some guests) helped test out some infomercials. This was one of them and it was a guest who tried it out. The guest LOVED it and said to "get it!" But I feel like it might not actually work with me, pff. Oh well. My next favorite infomercial is the Cricut! I absolutely LOVE scrapbooking and this is an awesome scrapbooking machine. It has cartridges that you put in it and then you simply press some buttons, slide in the paper and it cuts out what you want. My friend Bleyton, her stepmom has one and she seems to be happy with it. The only thing is it's super expensive and the cartridges are expensive too. If I had lots of money I would defintely buy one! Maybe on Black Friday I will! For now, I'll just spend the nights I can't sleep watching infomercials. It's really not as bad as people think.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Was Bitten by a Vampire!

Well, not really. But I did bite myself. I bit myself 9 times in the same spot, inside my lip. Why exactly am I counting? Because I bit it about 3 times in the same minute. So I wondered how many more times I would do that. Honestly though, I wouldn't mind getting bitten by a Vampire, as long as his name was Edward. Yes, I am one of "those" Twilight fans. Since coming out on DVD I've seen it about 6 times. Today, after work, me and Bleyton intend of watching all the DVD extras. I'm sure there will be some quite interesting things in there.

I will also have to say that I feel like the New Moon film is going to be way off from the book. I don't know who's read the book and who hasn't but well I'd have to probably say if you read it don't be upset when the movie comes out.

Uhhh, this may seem off topic, but it's really not. I'm watching the Kid's Choice Awards from Nickeloden (Don't ask why..) and they just showed "Favorite Movie" and I'm really surprised that Twilight wasn't even nominated. You would think that it would even be the winner because there are all these kids sooo obsessed with it. The nominees were Bedtime Stories, The Dark Knight, High School Musical 3, and Iron Man. Well obviously out of those three HSM3 won. No shocker there. I'm going to have to post a seperate entry just on how strange these awards are.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Random Thoughts

What's the first website you go to when you get to your computer? For me it's usually Facebook, but not today. Since signing up for this blog I can't keep my mind off of it! It's totally fun to put random things on here, not just thoughts and to put different layouts. I love being able to personalize it, and to write on it of course. I feel like this blog might honestly help me with my gossip problems. Gossip, gossip, gossip it's just so fun. I love being able to know what's going on with celebrities and new movies, shows, music, etc. I would love to be a Gossip Columnist, ya know, maybe a little Carrie Bradshaw type thing.

Speaking of Carrie Bradshaw, I was just reading Leighton Meester's blog (Blair from Gossip Girl) and she had a Sex & the City quote on there which I absolutely love. "It's infuriating! Women sit around, obsessing about what went wrong, while men just say 'alrighty' and move on." - Episode Cock-A-Doodle-Doo. I totally LOVE Sex & the City and I feel like it's basically a girls guide to dating and love. When are they wrong on that show? NEVER. You know why? Because all these crazy problems actually happen. Maybe not to you or me, but definitely to someone. I also can not wait till the second movie comes out! I know it'll be something good. I did buy the movie, which came with a digital copy for my iPod Touch, and now I'm waiting on the seasons. For about the past 6-7 present buying occasions I've asked my mother to buy me the seasons, and still no Sex & the City. Maybe I'll stop being lazy and just buy it myself!

I love how everything I write can lead to a different thought that I want to jot down. So, speaking of lazy I have so much work to do! I have to write a paper on Anne Frank/Diary of Anne Frank for History and 5 - 4 page papers for Politics. I need to pick 5 national politics topics and write about it. Usually I would just put a little history/background information and put my opinion and boom, I'd be done. But my Politics Professor definitely said "Do not put the history of if it, and do NOT write "I" in the papers." Oh, well there goes my papers.. Well I'm going to head off to do that, and then get to bed soon, hopefully. I have work all day tomorrow. I know I'll be coming back with some crazy story. G'nite!

Wicked the Musical to be a Movie!

So recently I went to NYC for the first time. While I was there I went to Broadway and saw Wicked, I fell in love! So I was talking to my friend Bleyton about it and she told me they were going to turn it into a movie. (She knows everything about pop culture!) We were then talking about who should be the main characters in the play. My favorites would be;

Anne Hathaway as Elphaba
Amy Adams as G(a)linda
James Marsden as Fiyero
Richard Gere as the Wizard
Meryl Streep as Madame Morrible
Emmy Rossum as Nessarose
Lucas Grabeel as Boq

And I have to add how I am totally falling in love with the soundtrack. When I saw it I saw Nicole Parker as Elphaba and Alli Mauzey as Galinda. And let me tell you, I absolutely loved Alli Mauzey as Galinda! Me and Bleyton are planning to go to NYC this summer and I would LOVE to see Wicked again, with the same cast! For my first Broadway show I think it was amazing. Wicked was amazing! I can't say it enough! The next show I'd like to see is maybe 9 to 5. I wish Legally Blonde was still on Broadway. But we'll see what pops up in the next couple months! =D

This Week on TV.

Secret Life of the American Teenager - Wow, John? Terrible. I think this is the worst season finale I've ever seen. Actually, I think the acting is getting worse with time. That's all I have to say.
Gossip Girl - Oh boy do I love Blair & Nate. Jenny bothers me, I wish they would've picked an actress that fits the books descriptions better. (I know you agree Bleyton!) Chuck needs to get back into the school scene, it's bothering me that he's just in his own little world half the time.
One Tree Hill - Sucks for Dan! I wish he would've just gotten that heart. Hopefully Julian lasts a while, I totally love him. Mainly because I love Brooke! And well, I'm not so fond of Peyton so I rather not pay attention to her. I think I totally like Mia's (Kate Voegele) new song! Manhattan From The Sky.
Jon & Kate Plus 8 - I haven't even watched it yet. I've been irritable and I feel like Kate might just drive me nuts!

The Biggest Loser - Well, Aubrey Aubrey.. It was time for her to go home. She'll be fine at home, probably not but we can pretend. I totally love Mike and his dad Ron! I want them to keep on with the good work. I also really like Tara. I love the fact that people try to mess with her, I don't think the other contestants realize that all they're doing is adding fuel to the fire. I won't mind if Helen is next to go. Next week, hmm... I wonder what's going on with the contestants who went home. I'm really interested in seeing Daniel, Estella & Jared, and Carla & Joelle are doing!
Dancing With the Stars - WHHHHYYYY?! I mean, I'm not the biggest Denise Richards fan but there are others who need to go. Steve Wozniak has got to go! Seriously, he wrote on his blog that he's the reason their ratings are high, uh DOUBT IT. I didn't even know who he was until the show, and even when I did find out.. I still didn't care. So anyway, anyone can go for now, as long as it's not Shawn, Gilles, or Melissa.

America's Next Top Model - Sandra needs to go, and so does Tahlia. Sorry about the burns girl, but come on.. You're not that good, and Kortnie should have stayed. The end.
High School Reunion - Haha, this show is so funny! 40 year olds acting like high schoolers. Way to call out Marisela about being a prostitute. Even if she is, at least she looks normal. I thought Jessica was a tranny at first. Hm.. I wonder what the truth is about the prostitution thing, I guess we'll find out next week!
The Real World - I honestly feel bad for Ryan, I hope he'll do okay! But Katelynn, really.. you should not have been gambling, especially since it wasn't even your money. And WHAT? A fight! On the season finale? OH I can't wait. We'll also be that much closer to the Duel 2!

American Idol - Adam bothers me SO much, ick. Also, I'm really not that surprised about the vote off. That's all I have to say.
Grey's Anatomy - This is so sad, it's my favorite TV show and I'm getting so bored with it. I hope Izzie lives, and I hope they give her a stronger role. And poor Cristina.. hopefully Owen will fix up and they'll get back together. And hopefully Meredith actually makes it down the aisle.
Private Practice - I enjoyed seeing Idina as a guest star. I mean, her husband is on the show! Ohh Taye Diggs, you are so cute! I'd really like to find out who the dad of Violet's baby is. Hopefully it's Petes. And now to Addison, how funny that her little makeout session with Noah was while it was raining. Coincidence? I think not. But really though, I like Noah. Hope he stays! And a little memo to Dell, grow up. Thanks!

I feel like I missed something. Ah, I don't know. I watch too much TV, I actually Tivo too much TV. I still have to catch up on my Tyra episodes for this week. I already watched the sterotyping one from Monday, I think I might watch Corbin Bleu next! But yes, this is what I think on my shows from this week!

Have you ever read If you haven't, you should. It's a website where people anonymously post why there life sucks, in like a sentence. Whenever I'm in a bad mood I choose to read it, and it's actually quite funny. Some make me feel bad for the person, sometimes the person deserves what they get, and sometimes it's all so random. For instance, I was just reading it and there was one that I felt was just so dumb, it definitely made me say "what?" -- "Today, I repaired a boiler for a wealthy guy in a big house. While there, I fixed a leaking tap for free. When I went to go, the man slipped something into my shirt pocked and said "have a drink on me." When I got to my truck, I discovered that he'd given me a tea bag. FML." That really sucks, a tea bag?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

So this is my first time blogging, not really. I used to have a livejournal but I don't even know what happened to it. I was also never actually committed to using it before, but I feel like this time might be different. Today my friend, Bleyton, told me she was starting a blog and I should start one also. I have a couple other friends who blog and seem to like it, so I figured "why not". But rather than just starting to spill my guts into this thing I'm going to finish my Thursday night tv shows then gossip on what I think. Be back soon my little blog buddies!