Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Birthday!

Yesss, today is my 20th birthday and I am so happy! (And yes, I am writing a blog on my birthday)

On Friday my friend Randy (and avid blog follower) made me this birthday cake! Isn't it awesome looking? Let me tell you, it was delicious too! Strawberries galore!

So today, my mom gave me my birthday present (a Burberry jacket) and this little pamphlet type thing. It's called "1989 Remember When..." and has all these fun facts from the year I was born. Some of them made me go "Wow.." and others, "Eh, figures". Here's some of the facts from inside:

1989 TV Favorites: The Wonder Years, Empty Nest, and America's Funniest Home Videos.
[Never heard of the Empty Next but I loved the Wonder Years!]

1989 Sports News: After the Pirates took a 10-0 lead in the first inning against the Phillies, broadcaster Jim Rooker said he would walk from Pittsburgh to Philly if the Phillies won the game. They did win, and Rooker took his promised walk when the season was over.

1989 Interesting Facts: Irving Berlin, Lucille Ball, Salvador Dali, and Bette Davis all passed away in 1989.
Life expectancy - 75.3
Miss America - Gretchen Carlson (Anoka, MN)

OHH, this is my favorite! 1989 Cost of Living:
New Home: $120,000.000
Average Income: $27,225.00
New Car: $15,403.00
Average Rent: $425.00
Tuition to Harvard: $12,715.00 per year
Movie Ticket: $3.50
Gasoline: 97 cents per gallon [For the record, there is no cents sign on my computer. Hm, I wonder why..]
United States Postage Stamp: 25 cents each

Granulated Sugar: $1.12 for 5 pounds
Vitamin D Milk: $2.62 per gallon
Ground Coffee: $3.69 per pound
Bacon: $1.89 per pound
Eggs: 78 cents per dozen
Fresh Ground Hamburger: $1.29 per pound
Fresh Baked Bread: 69 cents per loaf

1989 Music & Movie Favorites:
Music -
Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx
Like a Prayer - Madonna
Another Day in Paradise - Phil Collins
Movies -
Driving Miss Daisy
When Harry Met Sally
Dead Poets Society
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

And that's all the cool stuff! This reminds me of growing up in the 90's. I will soon be writing a blog about my favorite things from the 90's. Oh that will definitely be a long blog! AH, I can't wait! =) But for now, time to go celebrate!