Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello Today, Goodbye Tomorrow

So if you've read my profile you would've seen that I work in a retirement home. It's a retirement home for the military. It's very high class and very expensive. It's a gated community with apartments and houses. I work in the dining room, which is very fancy shmancy. I'd love to live there when I retire, even if I'm not in the military. I absolutely love it there, except when people pass away. In the past week we have had three deaths.

The first lady who passed away was ill for a while, she rarely left her apartment so I didn't know her well. But I do know her husband well and he's a VERY nice guy. The next person who passed is this man Mr.D. I saw him Wednesday night in the lounge sitting where he always does. Happy, smiley, chit chatting with his buddies. Saturday morning when I was at work me and a co-worker were preparing some things for a funeral reception. I asked "Who died?" and my co-worker said "Davidson" I said "Oh man, Mr.D must be taking it hard" and my co said "No hunny, MR.Davidson died." I was in shock, I asked "When did he die?" and I was told Wednesday night. I saw him Wednesday hours before he passed and I just could not believe it. He died from a heart attack. =(

Today I come into work and I hear that Mrs.V has passed away, once again I am in shock. I saw her just a couple of days ago! And let me tell you, she was in almost perfect health, very healthy, very active, very well liked. She was very active in the community, and four times a year she would be in charge of the plays/musicals. She had just started getting the Spring Musical in order. She had a good friend [boyfriend ?], who is a very very sweet man. He was very dependent on her. Anyhoo, Monday night she was playing Ping Pong in the auditorium, she fell and hit her head. She went to the hospital and she was bleeding from the brain (Same as Natasha Richardson) and they were not able to preform surgery. She passed this morning. Hearing about this was a blow to my heart. Just last week I was talking to a co-worker saying how much she reminded me of my dad's girlfriend. She's a good person, however very bossy. Still very well liked and everything. So as I was saying how much she reminded me of my dad's girlfriend (and her boyfriend reminds me of my dad) I ended up saying something along the lines of "She can be soo annoying sometimes, just like my dad's girlfriend!" Now I feel like crap, and I feel like I'm going to Hell. I hate the fact that I said something about her and now she's gone.

It's tough losing someone close to you. It's also tough seeing someone one day and the next day, they're gone. Even though I was not very close with these people it's still very emotional. I've known them for three years and every time someone passes it just gets even harder. Lately, everyone who's been passing are the people who seem to be in the best shape. So here I'd like to say God Bless. RIP Mrs. Dannacher, RIP Mr. Davidson, RIP Ms. VanHarlingan. God please bless them, their families and friends.

I'll try and post a happier blog later. But for now,
Try to make the best of everything and treat every day as if it were your last. ♥ ♥


Anonymous said...

I cried reading thisss

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