Monday, March 30, 2009

Infomercials - It's a love, hate relationship.

Once when I was about 6 years old I saw an infomercial on TV. It was right after I learned how to use the telephone. The infomercial I saw, if I remember correctly, is about markers that you blow in and it sprays onto the paper. I was so intrigued by it and I wanted to buy it SO bad. Of course, I was 6 and had no money. I called the phone number anyway and began talking to the sales person. My mother found me on the phone and yelled at the sales person for trying to sell a product to a child.

I do think that all this led to me now loving infomercials. I love watching them, however I refuse to order them. Sometimes, they get really annoying too. It's a love/hate type of relationship. I will say though, that the Shamwow guy is definitely trying to be Billy Mays. Billy Mays slightly annoys me, but I still can't help but be drawn in by infomercials.

My current two favorite infomercials are the BumpIts and the Cricut. The BumpIts are a hair insert that help bump up your hair. They have the original one that helps give you a small/medium bump and then they have the Hollywood one that gives you a pretty big bump. I was watching the Tyra Show and she (with some guests) helped test out some infomercials. This was one of them and it was a guest who tried it out. The guest LOVED it and said to "get it!" But I feel like it might not actually work with me, pff. Oh well. My next favorite infomercial is the Cricut! I absolutely LOVE scrapbooking and this is an awesome scrapbooking machine. It has cartridges that you put in it and then you simply press some buttons, slide in the paper and it cuts out what you want. My friend Bleyton, her stepmom has one and she seems to be happy with it. The only thing is it's super expensive and the cartridges are expensive too. If I had lots of money I would defintely buy one! Maybe on Black Friday I will! For now, I'll just spend the nights I can't sleep watching infomercials. It's really not as bad as people think.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol you would love infomercials. Serious question though because I have to do a persuasive speech soon, would you consider what Willie Mayes, the Oxyclean guy, would you consider him highly persuasive or what lol?

tttina on March 30, 2009 at 9:47 PM said...

Uh, his name is Billy Mays! lol. Willie Mayes is a baseball player..

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