Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Was Bitten by a Vampire!

Well, not really. But I did bite myself. I bit myself 9 times in the same spot, inside my lip. Why exactly am I counting? Because I bit it about 3 times in the same minute. So I wondered how many more times I would do that. Honestly though, I wouldn't mind getting bitten by a Vampire, as long as his name was Edward. Yes, I am one of "those" Twilight fans. Since coming out on DVD I've seen it about 6 times. Today, after work, me and Bleyton intend of watching all the DVD extras. I'm sure there will be some quite interesting things in there.

I will also have to say that I feel like the New Moon film is going to be way off from the book. I don't know who's read the book and who hasn't but well I'd have to probably say if you read it don't be upset when the movie comes out.

Uhhh, this may seem off topic, but it's really not. I'm watching the Kid's Choice Awards from Nickeloden (Don't ask why..) and they just showed "Favorite Movie" and I'm really surprised that Twilight wasn't even nominated. You would think that it would even be the winner because there are all these kids sooo obsessed with it. The nominees were Bedtime Stories, The Dark Knight, High School Musical 3, and Iron Man. Well obviously out of those three HSM3 won. No shocker there. I'm going to have to post a seperate entry just on how strange these awards are.


Anonymous said...

hahah I love you can't wait for Roxie Bleyton time!!!

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