Monday, June 8, 2009

Christmas in the City

Ever since I was a little girl all I've wanted to do is go to New York City during Christmas time. I have always been one of those people that loves the snow, holidays, family time, fireplaces, decorations, holiday shopping, and everything else about December. I've always lived in Virginia and it's usually always been the perfect mix of weather. However, these past couple winters there hasn't been quite enough snow for me to enjoy. But as I was growing up I would watch as many holiday movies as I could, as of today I even have two Christmas movies still saved on my DVR. Anyway, back to my point, for some reason most of them would be set in the New York City. I was always so jealous of the beautiful decorations, the shopping, and especially, the snow! This past March was the first time I'd ever been to NYC and I fell in love. Since then I've told myself that I WILL spend one Christmas in the city. For the past couple weeks I've been trying to talk my mother into letting us spend this Christmas there, but so far she hasn't been so fond of the idea. She knows it's always been something I've wanted to do, but she doesn't think it's the right time for it. All I know is that if it's not this Christmas that I spend in the city, that I'll make sure of it that I'm there next year. Well, it's still only June so I still have some time to talk my mom into us going this year, so wish me luck! In the mean time, maybe I'll just walk around singing Christmas Carols.


Stephany on June 10, 2009 at 7:45 AM said...

I feel you on the white Christmas! The past couple Christmases here in Florida have been 80 degrees and sunny. I love my hot weather but not on Christmas!

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