Friday, April 10, 2009

Check Me Into Rehab

I have an addiction and it's kind of getting out of control. I have not missed an episode of The Real World/ Road Rules Challenge since I was 13 years old. I am now 19 years old and the challenges are on its 17th season. I'm not sure what it is that lures me in but I can't stop! Maybe it's the drama, maybe it's the hardcore challenges, who knows? But I can't help the urge of wanting to be on this show so bad! I recently signed up for a personal trainer and I was talking to him the other day. I told him that I wanted to be on one of the challenges, and if I make it and win some money, I'd share some with him. It's kind of ridiculous but I can't help it! I absolutely am OBSESSED. The only thing is, to be on the show is you have to be on The Real World, Road Rules, or Fresh Meat. Well they haven't had a Road Rules season since 2007 and they only had one season of Fresh Meat. Well I'm hoping for another Fresh Meat because I don't really want to go on The Real World.

But is it strange that we all have these little obsessions? I guess not. And now that I think about it, I guess it's not weird that I'm so obsessed with The Challenges. Not only that, but reality shows in general. But HEY! I guess that's what the point of them is.

Friday, April 3, 2009

This Week on TV.

Greek - First off, are we still in season 2 or is this 3 now? I hate these long breaks. Anyway, I am so excited to see Jesse McCartney but why do I feel like it might be similar to the first season. First season they all wanted Rebecca and now they're all going to want Andy. (McCartney's character) As for the relationships of the show, I love Casey and Max, but I wonder how much longer that's going to last.. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets back with Cappie though. I am also excited for the future episode where Robert Hoffman makes a guest appearance!
Gossip Girl - Oh Gossip Girl, well I really can't stand Jenny anymore. But I love Blair & Nate. However, when Nate was breaking up with Vanessa I hate how he called her "V". It kind of creeped me out.. And Serena, are you going to introduce us to Gabriel? Tell us how you met, please. But I hate waiting for it to come back on. HURRY UP.. and the previews for next time are quite steamy. Can't wait to see how well it turns out. PS - I have to say how much I love the Verizon Hub. I totally want it. It's pretty cool how Gossip Girl gets to advertise all the new Verizon phones.
One Tree Hill - I can't stand Lucas and Peyton anymore, they are so boring. And the previews for the upcoming episodes just don't make sense. They have Peyton in a bloody wedding dress and getting into a car accident, so clearly something isn't going to happen. But back to the episode that was just on, BROOKE! Oh Brooke, I wish she would have gone with Julian. But we all know he's going to come back. I love Nathan and Haley, so clearly no complaints on them. I do have a complaint though, where is Chase? Him and Mia are just so cute! That's all I have to say about this episode, I am also not in that much of a rush for the show to come back. I'll enjoy my next two weeks without it.

The Biggest Loser - It wasn't exactly what I expected when they said some people were returning. I am not surprised by David (Orange) but I loved loved seeing Estella (White) and Nicole (Red) I'm really quite upset about Nicole coming back and then being sent home. It was a big adjustment for her but I think she'll do fine at home. I wouldn't be surprised if she wints the 100K. I wish her all the best of luck!
Dancing With the Stars - I am SO happy about this weeks elimination. The two people that needed to go home went home, it was amazing. I am a big fan of Gilles, Shawn, and Melissa, however for underdogs I love Steve-O. I have a feeling he might be going home soon, but I hope not. I also really enjoyed the Lindy Hop!
90210 - It's backk! Liam, oh I [heart] you. We needed a true bad boy here. So I'm okay with him and Naomi. Annie kind of bothers me, but I hope her and Ethan stay together. Also, Silver, girl.. you need some help. She's going crazy and I hate it! I love her but it's bothering me that they have her go crazy. I hope she stops being crazy and things go back to normal with her and dixon. As for the rewind, I'm excited to see Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling come back!

America's Next Top Model - Well I don't know about you, but ANTM didn't air on Wednesday night in my area. There was a NBA game on. But I did look up who got kicked off and WOOOHOOO. I strongly dislike Sandra. I'm glad she went home, and I'm glad Fo got called first for best picture. I can't wait to watch the episode to see how it all went down.
High School Reunion - Strange... just strange. Jessica made herself look like a big liar by apologizing and everything. It's still annoying that the real truth wasn't shown. But oh well, next week is the season finale. And the week after that, The Cougar! Can't wait for it to come on!
The Real World - So, season finale.. what a fake lame-o fight. The girls are a bunch of biatches! I liked Baya and Devyn on occasion but I can't stand Sarah and Kaitlynn, why did they have to act like little kids and blame the pranks on JD? That's messed up. But overall, this is a pretty bad season finale. And for the reunion, I was so glad to see Ryan there. I wasn't so shocked about Ryan and Baya being together, and well, they're pretty cute. OMG Kaitlynn, you really need to pay back Scott.. Jeez! It was an okay season finale, but hopefully next season will be better, ya know.. Real World: CANCUN! That's going to be steamy, hopefully! And next week, The Duel 2! I am so exited, woohoo.
American Idol - Megan really deserved that, I have no idea why she was acting like that. And from that bottom three, Megan really deserved to leave. But what I have to say is, if you are going to be in the bottom three stricly on your peformance of that week then Matt should have not only been in the bottom three, but he should've been sent home. I love "You Found Me" and he destroyed it, it was terrible. Oh well, he's safe for another week. But I can't wait till next week, the theme is Songs From the Year You Were Born. I can't wait, this is going to be goood!

Nothing was on tonight. =( I hate waiting for episodes of Grey's to come back, and Private Practice was getting so good!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello Today, Goodbye Tomorrow

So if you've read my profile you would've seen that I work in a retirement home. It's a retirement home for the military. It's very high class and very expensive. It's a gated community with apartments and houses. I work in the dining room, which is very fancy shmancy. I'd love to live there when I retire, even if I'm not in the military. I absolutely love it there, except when people pass away. In the past week we have had three deaths.

The first lady who passed away was ill for a while, she rarely left her apartment so I didn't know her well. But I do know her husband well and he's a VERY nice guy. The next person who passed is this man Mr.D. I saw him Wednesday night in the lounge sitting where he always does. Happy, smiley, chit chatting with his buddies. Saturday morning when I was at work me and a co-worker were preparing some things for a funeral reception. I asked "Who died?" and my co-worker said "Davidson" I said "Oh man, Mr.D must be taking it hard" and my co said "No hunny, MR.Davidson died." I was in shock, I asked "When did he die?" and I was told Wednesday night. I saw him Wednesday hours before he passed and I just could not believe it. He died from a heart attack. =(

Today I come into work and I hear that Mrs.V has passed away, once again I am in shock. I saw her just a couple of days ago! And let me tell you, she was in almost perfect health, very healthy, very active, very well liked. She was very active in the community, and four times a year she would be in charge of the plays/musicals. She had just started getting the Spring Musical in order. She had a good friend [boyfriend ?], who is a very very sweet man. He was very dependent on her. Anyhoo, Monday night she was playing Ping Pong in the auditorium, she fell and hit her head. She went to the hospital and she was bleeding from the brain (Same as Natasha Richardson) and they were not able to preform surgery. She passed this morning. Hearing about this was a blow to my heart. Just last week I was talking to a co-worker saying how much she reminded me of my dad's girlfriend. She's a good person, however very bossy. Still very well liked and everything. So as I was saying how much she reminded me of my dad's girlfriend (and her boyfriend reminds me of my dad) I ended up saying something along the lines of "She can be soo annoying sometimes, just like my dad's girlfriend!" Now I feel like crap, and I feel like I'm going to Hell. I hate the fact that I said something about her and now she's gone.

It's tough losing someone close to you. It's also tough seeing someone one day and the next day, they're gone. Even though I was not very close with these people it's still very emotional. I've known them for three years and every time someone passes it just gets even harder. Lately, everyone who's been passing are the people who seem to be in the best shape. So here I'd like to say God Bless. RIP Mrs. Dannacher, RIP Mr. Davidson, RIP Ms. VanHarlingan. God please bless them, their families and friends.

I'll try and post a happier blog later. But for now,
Try to make the best of everything and treat every day as if it were your last. ♥ ♥